Children's Privacy

Author: DennisS /

Yes, I feel that it is okay to go threw your child belongings.Reason being, is you brought them up in this world,you should be able to do what you please.Also, if you have a certain reason for doing so,then more power to you.If this topic has your child's life in danger or harm,theres no reason why not to invade their privacy.Overall,your the boss of your child intill their 18,or intill they move out of your household.So, if any of these rules apply to your children's situation,then yes I do feel you have a right to go threw their belonging's.


Author: DennisS / Labels:

In my opinion, Odysseus is a good leader. Reason being, he has defining character traits. For example he shows streanth, courage, nobility, a thrist for glory, and also confidence. His most postive trait is quick thinking. I think this is because of his sharp intellect. Odysseus' quick thinking helps him out of a lot of tough situations, like when he escapes the cave of the Cyclops. Odysseus overall, I believe is a good leader because he wants to win, and that is the main goal for a good heroic leader. So, yes, from my understanding of the book, Odysseus is a good leader, but there is always room for improvment.